Supporting You, Supporting Teams
Assessments | Awareness | Action | Accountability
Optimizing Individual & Organizational Potential Through Identifying Unique Shine Spots and Blind Spots
Focused on Self-Awareness
Assessments bring clarity by articulating individual and team strengths and stressors, providing data for well-informed decision-making and goal pursuit.
Every engagement offers an opportunity to set time-driven goals, take action, and reflect on what is being learned.
Training, Education
Training offers an opportunity for increased understanding, interactive discussions, and an experiential setting to explore new perspectives.
Coaching, Leader Follow Ups
To prevent "one-and-done" experiences, coaching and/or leader follow ups ensure the highest chance of sustained success for your investment.

In my 25+ years working in corporate workspaces, most of that time has been spent helping individuals, leaders, and teams be more productive and professional through training, communication, and reinforcing expectations.
During that time, I observed patterns of repeated stress and conflict that were felt and known to those involved, though were often overlooked despite their negative impact on overall productivity. While there were tools and reports in place to measure the project outcomes and performance, it was harder to measure the day-to-day "people" performance.
I started implementing tools, coaching, and education, focused on gaining self-awareness, to provide models and language describing "Shine Spots" (natural motivations, strengths & values), and "Blind Spots" (stress triggers/patterns related to those same strengths.) As self-awareness increased, empathy and understanding also increased. For those who continued to implement what they learned, overall stress levels became more manageable and communication improved.
I coach and train individuals, leaders, and teams who want to become more productive, collaborative, and self-aware, leading to more accountable outcomes.
ACC-Coach Certified
iEQ9 Enneagram Certified
Your Enneagram Coach Certified

Group Engagements
Click Here to View A List of All Speaking Engagements Podcasts - Employee & Family Resources Webinar, - Influencing Decisions & Outcomes Using the Enneagram - Employee & Family Resources Podcast, Confidence: An Inside Job (A Discussion on Imposter Syndrome), March 1, 2023 - Employee & Family Resources Podcast, Season 5, Episode 1: The Enneagram: Shine Spots and Blind Spots for 9 Personality Types - The Heart Agency: How Knowing Your Enneagram Number Can Change Your Relationships, Dec 2, 2022 - Superhero Sidekick: What's Your Enneagram Number? - Superhero Sidekick: The Two Operating Systems of the Brain - Even Better: Benefits of Living On Purpose Presentations & Training - Warren County Chambers of Commerce, Building Bridges & Breaking Barriers (Connection) (2023) - Iowa State University (ISU) Leadership Program, Building Effective Teams (2023) - Great River Health, Leader Development Session (2023) - Social Security Administration (SSA) of Iowa, Leader Development Session, 2023 - Professional Educators of Iowa (2021, 2022, 2023): two-day continuing education workshops - Schaferrs Systems Staff Training (2023) - Iowa State University Leadership Extension (2023) - Green Hills Community Staff Training (2023) - Lessing Flynn Staff Development (2023) - Country Financial - Team Sales Presentation (2023) - Animal Rescue League Team Workshop - 2 sessions (2023) - AVEDA Institute Team Workshop, Part 2 (2023) West Des Moines Young Professionals Network Presentation (2023) - People's Bank Staff Development (2023) - Garden Gate Ranch Staff Development (2023) - Community Presentation for Flourish Chiropractic Members (2023) - Taylored Expressions Staff Development (2023) - Spencer Hospital Leadership Retreat (2023) - Shazam! Leadership Retreat (2023 - 2 programs) - Flourish Chiropractic Staff Development (2022) - AVEDA Institute team workshop - Part 1 (2022) - Des Moines University (2022) - Five Star Senior Living (2022) - Federal Home Loan Bank of DSM (2022) - River Valley Credit Union (2022) - Single Parent Provision staff development (2022) - Principal Financial Group team development - 2 separate engagements (2022) - Lessing Flynn staff development (2022) - Meyocks staff development (2022) - Excell Marketing team development (2022) - Iowa Employment Conference (2021 and 2022) - CCNI Coaching Network (2022) - Truth Business Network (2022) - American Business Women's' Association (ABWA) (2021 & 2022) - Golden Career Strategies (2021) - Bridges Coaching (2021) - Jobs for America's Graduates - Iowa (iJAG) (2021) - Family Life Church (2021) - Infinite Family Chiropractic (2021) - Be Well Chiropractic (2021) - True Roots Chiropractic (2021) - Morning Blend Networking Group (Formerly Metro Business Friends) (2020) - Mothers of Preschoolers - MOPS (2020) - Garden Gate Ranch team development (2020) General - Employee & Family Resources: Strategic Decision-Making and the Enneagram - Employee & Family Resources, Public Webinar: The Enneagram At Work - Employee & Family Resources, Public Webinar: What's Your Stress Pattern? - Interview with Jason Parkin: Habits, Goals, & Perspectives