In this final post of the three-part series, I’ll update you on my journey with the health coach I started working with 8 weeks ago.
In the first post of the series, my ‘ah-ha’ moment came when my health coach kept asking me for my vision of my ideal state. My answers were all some form of, “I don’t know, I just know I don’t want to be HERE a year from now!”
Her reply was spot-on; she observed that my goals were all about running FROM, not running TO an ideal vision. Unless I had a strong vision of what I was running TO, I would continually yo-yo. Yep. In the rest of post #1, I reflected on what I might be running to.
In the second post, I was a few weeks in to the journey and facing the battle ground of my mind and my motivations. I made small steps to implement weekly changes that would help break my current patterns and create new habits. Progress was…slow. It always is.
So…what’s my status now?
I’m down five pounds. In eight weeks. Not as aggressive as I’d hoped, but progress nonetheless.
I continue habits that keep me from more success. Creating new habits is hard.
Life is hectic right now. I feel like I can’t focus on eating better while everything is so chaotic.
I still don’t know what I’m running to.
I almost quit meeting with Health Coach since I wasn’t what I would consider her “star pupil.” It wasn’t her fault; she’s good at what she does and it’s a good program. I just wasn’t disciplined enough.
(Are you picking up on the justifications and excuses I’ve used the majority of my life? So was Health Coach.)
There will always be “stuff”
At our last meeting, Health Coach listened patiently as I went through yet another excuse about why I couldn’t follow a structured healthy eating program or stick to my smaller goals for that week.
I pulled out my go-to justification that when I got past “this next life thing” I would be ready to really focus on my health. I told her I really appreciated and believed in the structure of the program, I just couldn’t follow all the steps right now. Breaking old habits was hard. She just smiled knowingly and replied,
There will always be stuff. Always. There will never be a ‘right time’ to put yourself first on your to-do list. It’s your choice. When you own this, you experience more success. It’s a matter of choosing you above whatever else is happening at the moment. Susan Mitchell, Health Coach
The sweet ring (sting?) of truth.
What stuck me most is that though I was motivated to reach out to Health Coach (Susan) in the first place, I then continued to come up with excuses and prevent my best progress.
Because of the accountability of having to meet weekly with Susan, I was still able to make more healthy decisions than not, and was able to make progress. It’s intentional steps forward. I have to internalize the mindset of transformation – one step at a time. So slow. Ha.
What I learned from this experience
Motivation – Internal/External
When I think about my exercise routine, I’ve internalized the drive to get to the gym or get outside 4-5 times a week. If you read my “One Word” post, you know that it didn’t start out this way! On my exercise journey, I had to pay a personal trainer and enlist multiple walking friends to get and keep me motivated to exercise. I then got to a point where I noticed that my overall outlook was better on days I exercised than days I didn’t. I also noticed my body changing in response to getting regular exercise. Clothes fit better. All of this motivated me to the point where I’m now able to motivate myself to exercise.
I’m just not there with my healthy eating habits. I appreciate having the external accountability of someone to which I have to report my progress (or lack of). I know that as I continue to focus on this area of my life, I’m building habits that, over time, will become internalized. I’ll be able to motivate myself more consistently. I look forward to that time.
The Power of a Vision
I know what healthy eating habits are. I know that choosing healthier habits consistently would lead to beneficial personal outcomes. I just don’t have a vision in mind for what that version of me would be. Since I can’t see the vision, I give up on my future self quickly in those times when choosing better would lead to my transformation. I don’t apply what I know to be true.
Information doesn’t lead to transformation without application. Barb Ranck, Courageously Imperfect
When meeting with my life coaching clients, I’ve observed that when the person doesn’t have a clear vision of where they are going, or if they can’t tap into a driving motivation that compels them forward, they either stay stuck or don’t make the progress they otherwise could.
Oh, the irony of having to take my own advice! No one is going to hold me personally accountable for my progress. My circumstances aren’t the reason I can’t succeed.
I’m going to need to spend the time needed to reflect on a compelling vision to truly make progress in this area. The good news is that I have the tools and support I need to make this a reality.
Staying Curious
I almost didn’t write this post because I wasn’t happy with the progress I’d made, knowing it was my own doing. I was (still am) feeling pretty vulnerable. As I mentioned in post #1 of this series, I’ve struggled in this area of my life for pretty much my entire life. Knowing that I didn’t achieve “fantastic success” during this experience is discouraging.
Rather than getting down on myself, I’ve committed to staying curious. I am observing myself – the times I make healthy choices, and the times I don’t. When I don’t, I’m reflecting on what was going on that lead to me justifying that choice. I’m just watching and observing – learning more about myself without judgment.
I’m willing to admit that I’m human and there are areas in which I struggle. I’m not willing to use this as an excuse to avoid achieving my potential.
There will always be stuff. Always. And there’s a better future ahead. Always. My potential lies beyond my current circumstances. With application comes transformation. Me
Your Journey
I shared my journey with you. What about you? Where are you on your journey?
Have you been thinking about making a change? Have you been stuck in a certain area for a while now and are ready to try something different to get a different outcome?
Are your goals related to your career, relationships, next phase of life, an important life decision? I can empathize with your journey. And, I’m ready to cheer you on.
Schedule a free, 30-mn consultation to discuss where you are and if there’s an opportunity to work together.
